For almost a century, our hospital has provided our community with the best medical care possible. We give to our patients each and every day. When you enter our doors, or one of our professional staff visits you at home, you become an important member of Dunstan’s family. That’s our culture. It’s what makes our hospital and our services so special.
Our care is the reason why patients and their families want to give back. In turn, our donors and fundraising volunteers are proud of the difference they make to the lives of our patients.
You can help. The government doesn’t fund everything we need to help our patients. We rely solely on the continued support of our community to fund the purchase and replacement of the $3 million-worth of equipment used at Dunstan Hospital and in the provision of our other community based health services such as District Nursing and Allied Health.
We are most appreciative of the generous donations, grants and bequests we receive from individuals, community groups, trusts and local businesses.
Donations are accepted on behalf of Dunstan Hospital by the following groups:
Central Otago Health Incorporated, PO Box 355, Alexandra
Central Otago Health Services Limited, PO Box 30, Clyde
With the support of our friends, we have made, and continue to make, a difference in the lives of thousands of people.
Your donation is an investment in tomorrow’s health care for you, your family and your community.
If you have any questions, please contact us on:
Phone: 03-440 4300 or Email: donate@cohealth.co.nz
For Bank Details, click here.